蒙其·D·魯夫(モンキー?D?ルフィ)是ONE PIECE(海賊王、航海王)裡海賊團“草帽小子”的船長。他的口頭禪是「我要成為海賊王!」(日語:海賊王に、おれはなる!)。
Understanding the Theory and Design of Organizations 11-E
魯夫的夥伴有索隆、娜美、騙人布、香吉士、·喬巴、妮可·羅賓、佛朗基、布魯克及海賊船梅利號,ONE PIECE的作者是尾田榮一郎,他畫的《航海王》,從一九九七年開始連載,當時的他才二十二歲…無聊的人可以算一下作者現在幾歲?希望他可以跟多啦A夢(小町噹)一樣…永遠都有新奇的故事,航海王真是百看不膩的動漫之一。
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/zoe7.web/products/0010559015
作者: Richard L. Daft
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2012/08/28
- 語言:英文
Understanding the Theory and Design of Organizations 11-E
: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/zoe7.web/products/0010559015
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/zoe7.web/products/0010559015
.NEW 'IN PRACTICE' EXAMPLES DEMONSTRATE THEORY IN ACTION: This edition contains many new 'In Practice' examples that illustrate theoretical concepts in organizational settings. Many examples are international, and all are based on real organizations. New 'In Practice' cases used within chapters include BP, Cisco Systems, Acer Inc., Volvo, Disney/Pixar, Smart Balance, Barnes & Noble, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Sandberg Furniture, Every Child Succeeds, Huawai Technologies, and more.
.NEW 'BOOK MARKS' EMPHASIZE CURRENT ISSUES THROUGH INSIGHTFUL BOOK REVIEWS: Unique 'Book Mark' book reviews throughout this edition reflect current concerns of today's managers in actual leading organizations. These insightful reviews detail how companies are dealing with the challenges of today's changing environment. Several 'Book Mark' features are new for this edition.
.NEW INTERNATIONAL COVERAGE ENHANCES GLOBAL VISION OF TEXT: Additional international coverage throughout the text has been added to the already robust international representation, giving students a truly global view of organization theory.
."MANAGER'S BRIEFCASE' HIGHLIGHTS HOW TO APPLY CONCEPTS: Conveniently located in the chapter margins, this practical feature clearly demonstrates to your students how to use the chapter's concepts to analyze cases and, ultimately, manage organiz↘今日66折↙ations most effectively.
."CASE FOR ANALYSIS' ENCOURAGES IN-DEPTH THINKING: Driven by intriguing situations in real businesses, these end-of-chapter cases highlight significant chapter concepts. They are extremely valuable in guiding student analysis and prompting meaningful classroom discussion.
.INTEGRATIVE CASES IMMEDIATELY INVOLVE STUDENTS: Engaging Integrative Cases at the end of this edition highlight familiar organizations and encourage students to discuss and apply numerous organization concepts.
Richard L. Daft
現職:Vanderbilt University
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